Saturday, September 11, 2010


When you upload all the information to our site, it will be on record, and then you can register as one of our client/subscribers and we will always update you about anyone who will pose as John when he was Joseph at his  last place of work. This may seem impossible but just give it a trial and you will be amazed at the outcome.

We have for a long time been manipulated by less educated people than us. Does it not surprise you why a housemaid who left you is now comfortably working with your neighbour down the road without the neighbour knowing she was in your house at times up to a year?

They have played on us for quite sometime and we should now call off the bluff. Let us let them know that we more schooled than them. Enough is enough. A stitch in time they say saves nine. Ladies and Gentlemen let us rise against the menace before it destroys our lives as well as our children’s.  The more response we get the better our services will be. No payment necessary, this is a free service. 

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